*No matter who you choose, note that Japanese Spitz puppies should range from £1,500 - £2000 in price. If you are offered a dog cheaper or more expensive, please ask the breeder why the variation in price and please inform us or the Secretary of our Breed Clubs.
The things you need to know about a “Show Breeder” vs a “Pet Breeder”
Only a few dogs in their home
More likely to be raised in a home environment
Able to get a puppy sooner or quicker
Easier to pick up/visit
More likely to be exposed to children
Can focus more on temperament/personality then just aesthetics
Will unlikely to take puppy/dog back and expect you to rehome
Less likely to have in-depth knowledge of the breed/lines
Unlikely to have health checks on their dogs (as this is costly)
Little knowledge of puppy rearing/puppy culture
Can sometimes overbreed (as no checks or paperwork regarding incest, health or lineage)
Can sometimes produce mixed puppies/not a Spitz line at all
Less consistency in their temperament/personality of dogs
Years of experience in the breed
Years of experience rearing puppies
Extensive knowledge in their lines & history
Extensive knowledge in breeding dogs
Will have a license, paperwork
Will be registered for health checks, incest checks
Will offer lifetime support & often take the puppy back (if needed)
Can be expected a long waiting time/waiting list
Can be particular about the home environment (such as garden etc)
Will usually ask for a recommendation/interview you thoroughly
Expect to pay a deposit before seeing a puppy
Can be particular on the gender of the puppy for adoption